Your Past Won’t Define You. Your Legacy Will.

In Ron Chernow’s book, Washington – A Life, he states, “A young George Washington, with one opening shot from his musket, set the stage for the French and Indian War. His inexperience and hubris cost many men their lives.” And yet, he went on to live an epic life, undeterred by his first military blunder. Why? He made a conscious choice early in life to not let obstacles, mistakes and misfortunes define him. George Washington was focused on the ‘bigger picture’ and his personal contribution to society. He didn’t let the day-to-day difficulties stand in his way. We can all learn from his perseverance, determination and example. Washington instinctively knew that, like a movie reel, his life was on public display. The same goes for us. Everyone around us is watching. In that regard, our life is like a gift – or a stumbling block. How we go about our day and what we say and do – our example – can be our gift to others. All you need to remember is that one match can make an explosion.

What will you be remembered for? Someone weighted down, stuck in the past; bitter, angry, and complaining, and dampening other peoples’ enthusiasm with your negative tales? Never rising up and out of a situation or of the emotional imprint of your past? Or will you be remembered for the progress you’ve made in this lifetime to dissociate from the pain and shame that has given rise to false, negative repetitive thought programs and kept you in a self-imposed prison for a portion of your life? For defending yourself and solidifying your choice to take back your life so that you can have a better life experience? For claiming victory over sin?! Victory of Satan?! Victory over self-limiting, fear-based thought programs?! Victory over apathy?! For being fully alive?! For putting an end to holding on to the growing sense of lack your buried under all because you are holding onto things you shouldn’t.

An eagle leans into the wind to take him higher just as a small plane flying in the wake of jet stream must keep the steering wheel pressed downward, driving it further into the wake in order to avoid a nose dive. If the pilot mistakenly pulls back on the steering wheel to avoid the jet stream, the plane will dive to its death. What have you done each time you are faced with a difficult situation? Do you find a way to learn something and become a better, more thoughtful human being each time you make a mistake or endure a hardship? Or are you in denial about what contribution you can make to changing the fabric of civilization? You can’t avoid adversity, but you can steer to greater heights by learning something from them. And even better than that, showing others how you are an overcomer is like giving them a roadmap to a better life.

“The American Revolution was fought and won in eight years by an army of untrained colonial officers, on uncharted and rough terrain — forested and impenetrable areas in the dead of winter barefoot and bloody with no blankets or food for days. The colonial officers were grossly outnumbered by the highly sophisticated British forces. They endured enormous hardships because of lack — lack of supplies, food and clothing. How did they win? How was this even possible? Ideology. They were fighting for Liberty.” (1) They believed 100% in their mission. Perseverance, determination, faith, self-reliance and patriotism were their constant companions. So was hope. Do not give up hope. It will light your path.

Jesus sent the Holy Spirit in His place once He ascended into Heaven after He was resurrected. The Holy Spirit is the light unto our feet. He is our helper in good times and bad. He is a constant source of hope and encouragement despite whatever circumstances we are facing. If you find yourself without hope and free falling through life, restoration is just an invitation away. Your new journey can begin at the foot of the cross.

Take hold of the light inside of you and do something with it to light the path for others who are disheartened or stumbling through life. If the light in you has dulled to a dimmer or is non existent, how about you make up your mind to get rewired so you can come alive! Become who you were born to be. The onus is on you to discover your purpose under heaven.

(1) Washington-A Life, by Ron Chernow.

“If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.” Warren Buffet

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