About The Author

Diane About Diane K. Houghton is an author, public speaker, and entrepreneur in Tennessee. She has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of California, Irvine and a Juris Doctorate from The University of San Diego School of Law. 

Since she was fourteen-years-old, she has served the community in various volunteer capacities ranging from hospital candy-striper, convalescent care-giver, Sunday school teacher, as well as leading a book club for the women at Becky’s House — a two-year rehabilitation program for women through the YWCA. Holidays were often spent devising and implementing holiday outreaches for the homeless and single mothers in need.

Diane is a storyteller, a skilled conversationalist and a careful observer of human behavior. As an author and public speaker, much like a surrogate parent, her words are designed to encourage, nurture, enlighten and exhort her audience. She accomplishes her influence by shaking loose any fixed ideas you’ve ever had about your past, your parents and the misconceptions about who you think you are, including your limitations. By offering a fundamentally different approach and therefore ‘script’ with which to filter information and form opinions, multitudes are rising up and out of the destructive landscape of their self-limiting thought programs and accomplishing real change for a brighter future.

Her prayer is that millions across the globe receive a glimmer of God’s goodness and of Heaven here on Earth.