The Early Years

Imagine you are an actor and your starring role in a movie ended with a horrible car crash that left you with both physical and emotional scars. Now imagine watching that scene over and over again, year after year. Repeatedly, you see your head hit the steering wheel. It’s hypnotic, dizzying and morbidly exciting. You’ve become a pseudo-addict to the make-believe pain. What’s really trippy is that it’s hard for you to believe it wasn’t and isn’t real. That the crash didn’t really happen. You touch your forehead disbelieving there isn’t a scar.

Now imagine that you’ve ruminated on an event from your childhood or a scene from your recent past so many times it’s become embedded in your subconscious brain. That is what happens when we replay things enough times. Once in our subconscious brain, we are tricked into believing the experience can still hurt us. It’s not really the event, but the containment of it, and the replaying of it that is re-traumatizing you. This is why people feel emotionally raw and unable to protect themselves. They are keeping the pain alive. They are keeping the pain contained within them. In other words, you are hurting yourself by keeping it contained inside of you. No one is doing this to you. That is because the past cannot still hurt you.

Carrying the weight of the past and all it’s pain and shame is, I believe, behind the personal identity crisis that millions are suffering from. If you are experiencing a growing sense of lack – lack of resources, security, safety, love, joy, peace, abundance, just know, that you are in the midst of a personal identity crisis.

When you left your first family and started a life of your own, it’s all on you. Only you can turn your power over to the past, a person or an event. No one has the power to do this but you. The past cannot hurt you nor can an unloving event, but you can hurt yourself by keeping it contained inside of you and replaying it.

When people’s true identity gets mixed up with the events from their past or self-limiting narratives and they use these events to define who they are and the reason they are where they are at, they are living a lie. They’ve adopted a truth that is not their own.

These hurtful narratives are trying to convince you that you are who you are because of how you were raised, who raised you or what you experienced or didn’t. All of these are lies you are telling yourself.

Someone once said, “If you live in the past, that’s depression and if you  live in the future, that’s anxiety.” It’s your choice to live in the present!

Are you tired of carrying around the weight of your past? Ready to stop blaming and get on with your life? Ready to gift yourself by detaching from the parts of your past and words spoken to you that you’ve used to wrongly define you? Many people have risen from the depths of an accursed childhood or been misunderstood, neglected and not ‘seen.’ It’s a big club. You need to get over it and decide if you are ready to get well and finally make your life count.

Maybe you don’t think it’s humanly possible for you to experience transformational healing and let go of the past. What if I told you it was possible. That you could even experience joy and contentment. Millions of people have exculpated themselves from their personal identity crisis and you can to. It takes both human and Divine intervention. What we cannot do, God can. No matter what was done to you or what you did to yourself or others, no sin, pain and shame is too big for God to wash away. This is exactly why God came to earth in the physical form. To be our personal Savior. To forgive us. If He can forgive you for all the lost years, mistakes and regrets, then you must forgive yourself. What price are you willing to pay to live mired in self-pity and self-loathing behavior?

It’s time to make a decision! To dig deep and ask yourself if you are done living a life that doesn’t showcase your best self. Life is a gift. What you do with it is your gift to yourself and others.

“Success is how high you bounce after you hit bottom.” George Patton

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