Our Words – Our Impact

Dr. David Jeremiah, in The Jeremiah Study Bible, points out that “People all around us in the course of our day may be — for one reason or another — at a cross road in their lives and that our attitude, our words, and our example can be like a beacon of light to a weary, troubled or lost soul. By speaking words filled with kindness, courage and truth, we can instantly lift someone up. Conversely, our negative, discouraging, cynical talk might easily nudge the confused or disheartened down a path into further discouragement and even despair.” 

I don’t think any of us would intentionally set out to disappoint or discourage someone. But that is what is happening each and every day you walk around griping, complaining, and gossiping. Or spreading false information and fear. You have a responsibility to lift those around you up. It doesn’t mean that you don’t talk about the things of this world. Just make sure what you are sharing is fact and not merely something you hear on television or social media. Each one of us has a duty to discern the truth, regardless of where we get our information. Willful ignorance, lies and fear are what pave the way for a personal identity crisis which millions are struggling with. Don’t count yourself amongst those who are helping to seed an identity crisis. 

As Christians, we must rise up and shine light on the darkness in this world. We must sound the trumpet and reverse the numbing fog that has settled into many peoples lives in the form of atheism, blame, prejudice, retribution and hatred.

Are the words you speak intentional and impactful? Are you looking for ways to inspire, encourage and lift others up, giving them a new perspective to their problems? Does your example make others want to become better? 

Don’t wait for the opportunity to lift someone up. Create the opportunity. You do this by taking the world’s temperature, one person at a time. Instead of walking around with your head down, pick it up, and make eye contact with whomever you pass on the sidewalk or the store. Smile at them and say, “Hello!” There are many people who don’t have the benefit of interacting with other people. They live alone. They work from home. They are caregivers. On top of that, many people struggle with self-esteem issues. You never know what someone is going through. The world right now seems like a wrecked place and they are feeling lost and afraid. A lot of people need a personal savior. Someone to save them from themselves and the personal identity crisis they are stuck in. Take it upon yourself to lift someone out of their reverie of the unkind landscape they are stuck in by engaging with them. Tell them about the good news. The news of Jesus. When you make a person feel good, they will reflect on that moment for days to come. They will want more of the grace and joy they see in you. 

Just remember, you were created for a purpose – to experience the grace of Jesus and give it away. You can do this with your words. Ask God to Ignite your spiritual gifts and abilities so you can bring light to a fallen and dying world with your words of encouragement.

“Every human being is intended to have character of his own; to be what no other is and to do what no other can do.” William Channing

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