Where Strength and Courage Come From

A sea captain facing the greatest of storms must do one thing and that is put the ship in a certain position and keep it there. Come what may — winds, waves, cross-seas, thunder, lightening, rocks, or roaring breakers.

Similarly, in our daily walk, in order to ride life’s many ups and downs triumphantly, you need to be fixated on a certain position, holding in your sight, a vision of what really matters to you, what is important in the grand scheme of things and what your ultimate goal and destination are, letting everything else go. The vision, once clear in your mind, will function as a proverbial lighthouse guiding your steps forward. But first, you must understand the meaning of life. Only then can you come to grips with your very purpose. It is not to find the best coffee bean or buy the dream house. It’s to experience grace, forgiveness and unconditional love that only your Creator can bestow upon you. And then once you receive that gift, it is incumbent upon you to give it away freely to others. It is also to have joy in your heart despite what is happening all around you. Joy is a supernatural gift that comes from the Holy Spirit. As spiritual beings and Christians, we are to live purposefully and filled with light to those in darkness. It is a significant task and it is our duty. When you stop focusing on what is going wrong in the world or your life and fixate on what is going right, only then can you turn your attention on creating a lasting legacy.

Preparedness is another key feature to developing strength and courage. If you live in an area with tornadoes, you generally have a basement to take cover in. Here in California, we get earthquakes. Many families have earthquake preparedness kits and supplies at home in the event one strikes. Regardless of where you live or what you do, you need to be prepared for come what may. This will keep you stay afloat during life’s ups and downs.

Next comes fortification. Fortification much like a moat or an outlying perimeter wall around a castle, affords the inhabitants a barrier against the enemy’s attack. For us modern dwellers, fortification is essential because it provides strength and courage. Fortification and preparedness is having an ample supply of spiritual, mental and emotional armor. This type of armor is essential for everyday life. It will enable you to ride the waves of life without being thrown like a rag doll from hull to stern.

Having a growing relationship with Christ is where you will find spiritual, mental and emotional armor aka strength and courage. Only when you have a strong Christ-like identity can you tap into all the power that is at your fingertips to ride out whatever storms that are on the horizon. Strength and courage are not going to miraculously show up at your doorstep the day an unexpected storm slaps you in the face. Just like muscles take months of resistance training – breaking down and building up – to form, so does courage and strength. You do this by strengthening your understanding and relationship with Christ. Spending time talking to Him, praying to Him and learning about the promises of scripture is the only way to accomplish this. In other words, immerse yourself – heart, mind and soul – in the Word. These observances will fill your mind, body and soul with purity and purpose.

Getting tested or forged-in-the-fire is how we grow in our spiritual walk. It is how we learn to write our very own hero’s journey.

Do not take fierce storms as a sign that God has left you unattended or forsaken you. Look at them as opportunities to develop your spiritual muscles aka armor and faith. Discover where it is in life you have vulnerabilities and grow through them by facing them with the proper spiritual armor.

For tools on how to strengthen your walk, visit the resource page.

“Every big act of God begins with a small step of faith.” Hebrew 11:29

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